VeeFriends | The project of the decade

Bruno Freitas
6 min readMay 7, 2021


Disclaimer: I am not associated with Gary Vee in any way. I’m just a fan. This is not financial advice. Please always do your own research. These are just my thoughts and beliefs here. I’m not an expert, I’m just a random guy from Angola trying to achieve financial independence.

Hi, I’m Bruno.

On March 5th, 2021, I saw a video from Gary Vee announcing his NFTs based project, VeeFriends. I think normal people have no idea of what this means. I do, but I am not normal (Nerd), and that is exactly why I saw huge amounts of value the moment I saw the video. Let me explain.

The Project

VeeFriends is a project created by Gary Vee with the ambition of creating meaningful intellectual property. He is basically saying: “Hey NFT community, you’re not using NFTs the way they should be used. Let me show you how to do it”. Unlike other NFT projects without any utility attached, each VeeFriend token grants the token holder access to VeeCon. VeeCon is:

a multi-day event exclusively for NFT token holders. Your NFT will give you a three year access pass to attend VeeCon in 2022, 2023 and 2024

Gary is a visionary, he has the ability to look at something and imagine what it can be in the future, so he wants to shape the community to make his vision a reality. This is huge. Knowing a little bit of how Gary is, I can say with 100% of certainty that this project will be the biggest blockchain-based project of the decade. Why, you might ask? Well, because of:

  1. What Gary is like (Character)
  2. The resources Gary has access to
  3. Target audience. The kind of people Gary is attracting
  4. Scarcity: 10255 tickets in a world of 7 billion people
  5. Three consecutive years of exponential value
  6. Tokens are sold in ETH
  7. No one else is doing this

What Gary is like

Gary Vee, the guy who believed in social media when it was just starting and became a millionaire because of that, is passionate, kind, grateful, and very hardworking. Let me say that again: VERY HARDWORKING. If Gary puts his name behind something, he will always overdeliver just to be safe. I have tried to invest in many things in this blockchain space, but no other investment felt safer than this. For me, this is basically a free ticket to become a multi-millionaire. I am 100% sure that Gary will turn this project into a multi-billion dollar project, just because of the kind of person he is. And to be a part of all that, I only have to pay about 10K? That is literally free money.

The resources Gary has access to

Everyone could try and do something like this, but Gary is positioned in the market in such a way that will help make him successful in his journey. He has a community behind him, credibility because of the person he is, the capital to invest, and connections to find the right people for the right roles.

Target audience

Honestly, I feel that Gary didn’t need any more money to turn this project into a reality because remember he is already a millionaire. I believe that he is only doing this to attract a certain type of people to his community and to allow them to participate in this journey with him. The kind of people that believe that NFTs are to stay and that are passionate enough to bet 10K on it. This was probably intentional, and in my perspective, acts as a filter for the kind of people that can join the community. The more passionate the community is, the more successful the project will be.

I am from Angola, Africa, and for the first time in my life, I have access to an opportunity like this. Usually, people in developed countries don’t even realize how hard it is, for people in developing countries, to have access to products or services. So, I feel that Gary Vee is giving me a shot to win in life, right here, right now, and I am taking it without even blinking.


10255 unique tokens in a world of 7 billion people. Think about that for a moment. How much would you pay for a ball signed by Kobe Bryant, knowing that he, unfortunately, passed away, and there won’t be any more signed balls from him? That’s an NFT right there. These tokens are no different. Supposing that each token will end up with one person, 0.0001465% of the world population will have one token. If you still don’t get it, let me take to the future in my mind:

The year is 2024, and in 10 days, the last VeeCon is happening. The previous VeeCon in 2023 was a massive success. People that attended had the best experience in their lives. People cried, people laughed, people turned into millionaires just by attending the conference, people met their SOs, people changed their income from 30K to 200M in less than a year. Brands started paying attendees to advertise their products, entire city blocks were rented to host the conference, nations tried at all costs to be selected to host a VeeCon, the brightest, wealthiest, healthiest, happiest persons on planet Earth (and possibly Mars) were there, and every attendee had the opportunity to chat with one another. The place where the impossible became possible. The place where the wealthiest person in the world met the poorest person, and both their lives were changed forever. Attendees were never the same again. And the funny thing is that no one knows if the 2024 VeeCon will be the last VeeCon in history… People are literally offering millions of dollars to participate in that experience, so any token is worth millions.

Back to the present. Do you get it now? That’s why I believe the moment I get one token will be the moment I’ll become a multi-millionaire. It’s just a matter of time. A millionaire is all about actions and not money. Don’t get me wrong, millionaires usually have millions of dollars in the bank, but that’s because of who they are and how they think and act. They can perceive value early on and get rewarded for their patience over time.

Three consecutive years of exponential value

One of the great aspects of this project is that it is a 3-year contract, meaning that you get the value of three conferences in one. This is huge, and the first ones to get the ticket will be the most rewarded. I believe that the value of each conference will grow exponentially because a) the team will learn from the previous experiences, b) the number of people will be the same (I guess), and c) attendees from previous events will manifest the results of the previous conferences. By the third year, the conference will be so valuable that token holders will be worth millions.

Tokens are sold in ETH

Today, at the time of this writing, 1 ETH is worth approximately 3500 USD. Three years from now, you will read this, and you will say: “It was so cheap back then.” Ethereum is growing every day and will continue to grow in the next years, so the value of each token will grow with it. Gary's team will also have access to more fiat currency as the value of Ethereum increases, so each year, more value can be delivered. It’s basically value on top of value here.

No one else is doing this

Last but not least, most of the NFT projects out there are crap. No value attached to them, at least in my perspective. NOBODY in the industry is doing something of this scale, and that is why I think Gary Vee will own this space, and he will become a reference/inspiration of how NFT projects should be done.

These are just my thoughts, and I can be wrong. The truth is that I deeply believe in technology, and I agree that if well implemented, NFTs have the potential to be huge.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this was valuable to you. Again, this is not financial advice, I’m just a random person trying to express myself.




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