How to beat racism
I was wrong about African civilizations. I was wrong to believe that my ancestors did not achieve anything related to technology. I was wrong because I believed the one-sided stories of the colonizers and I did not even try to research for other opinions. Now I realize my mistake. Nobody knows actually what we had here when the colonizers came, but one thing is for sure. We had more here than we were told. All my life I have heard of racism and all the things related to it. I have heard that the colonizers did not want the natives to learn about technology, about the different ways of doing the same things. Now I know that there is no such thing has a “better way”. Better depends on the goals of the person who is trying something new. So the better ways of the west are not the best ways for us in Africa. I don’t know why racism was born but I can only assume that it started because of one thing. Fear of the differences. Fear of the unknown and of the unexpected. Mix that fear with the need for more men in plantations, and you end up with slavery. For centuries the African descendants were slaves. They were slaughtered, treated like property and enslaved. But this all ended about a century ago. But the discrimination never stopped. It is still present in the world. More in some countries than in the others. With this another question arises. How can we beat racism? To beat racism, in my humble opinion, we have to stop talking about it. We have to stop looking at the color of our skin. I am a man and you are also a man and that is it. The color of our skin is nothing more than the heritage that I have got from my ancestors. The way the body found to protect itself from the sun. That is it. We Africans have to stop feeling like the victims, because when you have the victim mentality, with time, you become worse than those who abused you in the first place. And then the cycle goes on and on. To break this cycle of hate we have to stop feeling like victims and simply move on. Stop seeing ourselves as black people. Stop making black movies just make movies. Change the name of the channel BET to ET. Stop making black songs just make songs. Stop studying black history just study history. We are humans. It was wrong what happened to us, I know. It was unforgivable, yes I know. But if we stay here victimizing ourselves we will go nowhere, we will achieve nothing and we will remain in the same place. So let’s move on. Language dictates how you see yourself. Change the language and you will change the way you see yourself. Let us help the world become a better place for everybody. Let’s contribute to the development of our nation’s, let’s study the best books out there, let’s acquire more knowledge and some critical thinking so that we can use these tools to build a better world. This is my way of beating racism. Let’s not become full of hate to the point that we become blind and stop making improvements in our lives. Let’s not make the same mistakes that our colonizers made. Let’s embrace our differences and learn from each other. Let us collect the best ideas regardless of skin color, ethnicity or country. Let’s collaborate to build a better future for our descendants.